Fictitious Business Name (DBA) (Defendants)
Businesses typically use "Fictitious Business Name", also known as "DBA" (doing-business-as) to interact with their customers. A DBA is a nickname that a business uses for branding, so it's likely that you are more familiar with a business's DBA rather than its legal name. Both are important when filing a case against the other party.
DBA’s are often used when sole proprietorships do not want to operate under the individual’s name or when a company wants to manage multiple businesses under one registered entity. Corporations, LLCs, sole proprietorships, and partnerships can all have DBAs.
Example 1
A sole proprietorship dentistry owned by John Smith, but the dental business is named "Smith's Dentistry".
- DBA = Smith’s Dentistry
- Legal Name = John Smith
Example 2
A restaurant owned by a corporation named ABC, Inc. may operate several restaurants, one called "Peggy's Famous Foods" and another called "Joe's Pancakes".
- DBA = Peggy's Famous Foods
- DBA = Joe's Pancakes
- Legal Name = ABC, Inc
Example 3
A growing business called Jane’s Jewelry, LLC wants to offer new fashion services without opening a new business entity. She can keep her existing LLC and file a new DBA under that umbrella.
- DBA = Jane’s Jewelry
- DBA = Jane’s Fashion Boutique
- Legal Name = Jane’s Jewelry, LLC
Finding the DBA of a Business
You can find out if the business is operating under a DBA by checking with the appropriate state agency (typically Secretary of State) and/or at the local county/city level.
- The state's Secretary of State (SOS) will have a database you can check to confirm whether or not the business is operating under a DBA.
- The county, city clerk's office, or local court clerk's office may have the DBA information if it's unavailable at the state level.
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Nombre Comercial Ficticio (DBA) (Demandados)
Las empresas suelen usar "nombres ficticios" o "DBA" para interactuar con sus clientes. Es probable que esté más familiarizado con el DBA de una empresa en lugar de su nombre legal. Ambos son importantes cuando usted está presentando un caso contra la otra parte.
Ejemplo 1
Una odontología de empresa única propiedad de John Smith, pero el negocio dental se llama "Odontología de Smith".
- DBA = Odontología de Smith
- Nombre legal = John Smith
Ejemplo 2
Un restaurante propiedad de una corporación llamada ABC, Inc. puede operar varios restaurantes, uno llamado "Comidas Famosas de Peggy" y otro llamado "Panqueques de Joe".
- DBA = Comidas Famosas de Peggy
DBA = Panqueques de Joe
Nombre legal = ABC, Inc
Ejemplo 3
Un negocio en crecimiento llamado Joyería de Jane, LLC quiere ofrecer nuevos servicios de moda sin abrir una nueva entidad comercial. Ella puede mantener su LLC existente y presentar un nuevo DBA bajo ese paraguas.
- DBA = Joyería de Jane
DBA = Boutique de Moda
Nombre legal = Jane's Jewelry, LLC
Encontrar el DBA de una empresa
- El Secretario de Estado (SOS) del estado tendrá una base de datos que puede verificar para confirmar si la empresa está operando o no bajo un DBA.
- El condado, la oficina del secretario de la ciudad o la oficina del secretario de la corte local pueden tener la información del DBA si no está disponible a nivel estatal.